The symptoms of Breast Cancer Can be different for each woman. These days, doctors no longer push breast self-exams, but I found my original breast cancer myself, so I strongly advocate for self-exams. It is essential to know your own body. Be familiar with the way your breasts normally feel so you can recognize if something is wrong.
Symptoms of breast cancer include:
- A new lump in the breast or armpit
- Swelling of the breast
- Thickening or dimpling of the skin of the breast
- Discharge, crusting, or dimpling of the nipple that is unrelated to breastfeeding
- Any change in the size or shape of the breast
- Pain in the breast
In my personal case, I didn’t have a single lump, but my entire left breast was lumpy and painful. However, all-over lumpiness like this can also be a symptom of fibroids or something else. I just had a feeling that it wasn’t right along with the fact that the lumps kept growing and the left breast felt very different from my right. I also had a painful, crusty nipple on that same breast.
Check those boobies, my friends! And if you feel like something is wrong, advocate for yourself to get some answers. I was let down by my doctors for a long time before I got diagnosed.