In the Spring of 2024, I began having strange headaches. Upon exertion or straining, I would get a sharp, intense pain running up the back of my head on the right side. Sometimes, it would only last for a few seconds; other times, it would last all day. I have had headaches and migraines all of my life, but this was new and different.
After mentioning these headaches to my doctor, he decided I should get a brain MRI just to be safe, but he thought it sounded like Occipital Neuralgia. He referred me to a neurologist as well. The results of my MRI came in just hours before my neurologist appointment. I had about a 2 cm tumor in my right cerebellum with a fairly large amount of edema. I would need radiation, and then we would be switching up my treatment to something that would penetrate the blood/brain barrier. The treatment I was on, which was Herceptin and Perjeta, did not.
The new treatment I would be starting was Enhertu. It is a fairly new drug that has very promising results for Her2+ breast cancer, but also other cancers. Enhertu combines Trastuzumab (Herceptin), an anti-Her2 agent, and Deruxtecan, a chemotherapy.
I had 3 rounds of SRS radiation therapy. That stands for Stereotactic Radiation Surgery. It is targeted right on the tumor instead of radiating the whole brain. It is safer when you only have a small amount of tumors. The Radiation itself was pretty easy, but I was very tired and nauseous during this time. I also lost a patch of hair right where they targeted the radiation. It has since started to grow back.
Since having radiation and Enhertu, I have had one Brain MRI. The tumor has shrunk slightly, and the edema has gone down significantly. This is a win in my book! However, Enhertu makes me extremely sick. I have since had to change treatments to Xeloda. Tukysa, and Herceptin.
When you are diagnosed with a brain tumor or metastasis to the brain, it is easy to think the worst. It is scary! It feels like a death sentence. However, that really isn’t the case anymore. We are so fortunate that there are so many treatment options now, and new ones coming available on the horizon.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer Metastasis to the Brain
- Headaches
- Balance Problems
- Memory Problems
- Seizures
- Strokes
- Vision problems – Blurry Vision, Double Vision, Flashing lights
- Change in Mood
- Dizziness
- Impaired judgment
- Nausea
- Vomiting